Friday, August 21, 2009

Ramadhan greetings!

lamanya tak update blog nih.. lately perasaan yg sgt sunyi sepi.. very gloomy... mentally i'm prepared for a trip, (jadik orang gaji imported ok?) tapi emotionally.. not so much... why,.. yesterday.. out of nowhere.. kena scream plak..... don't know where i went wrong.. ape pon.. mintak maaf.. i don't know what i did to u...
forgiveness is the best medicine,.... that's what i always says... give in doesn't mean you are loosing..
so.. this entry is basically about a long haul trip.. not so long but 7000km from home is quite far... (li am very homey at this state of emotion) leaving to see mum n dad in doha.. for a visit and jadik buruk kasar.. import dr malaysia ok?? (*mama, jgn marah nanti kena jual!)
also she's a bit sick.. kesian.... i'll bring minyak urut banyak2 for your soaring ankle ok??
a lot has happend the last couple of month... so..staying home doesn't bring much income for me.. alhamdulilah.. it has been great.. to be back here in malaysia.. on this 28th of august , it'll be 1 year that we are back in our hometown.. missing new zealand, that used to be called home... as per say, Hujan emas di negeri orang. Hujan batu di negeri sendiri...
I have learnt a lot, from the past and not once i regretted of being tested by Allah the all knowing..
alhamdulilah.. life has improved.. and i can see clearly that life has to be put meaning into it.. or else .. you just wasted all these years trying to figure out who you are... thanks to all those people who have been 'there' when i badly in need....
And ramadhan's back again... InsyaAllah.. hopefully this year is much better than the rest of the past years... To ALL Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarakk... moga kita mendapat keberkatan di bulan yang baik, bulan penuh barakah... di malamnya ada hari yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan...
DAN, ingin saya.. menyusun 10 jari.. dengan rasa rendah hati.. memohon ampun dan maaf atas kesilapan, kekurangan, keterlanjuran kata-kata atau perbuatan ...semoga dapat menjalani ibadah dalam bulan mulia ini...
see u in next entry...
i am off to doha!

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